Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing organic, nonpaid website traffic and brand awareness through search results.

Implementing consistent optimizations alongside a strategic SEO plan is important for making sure your website receives quality traffic and is visible on search engines, like Google and Bing.

Depending on the project, we have many SEO tools at our disposal. For example, performing an SEO audit allows us to assess the health of your site. We can then take what we learn and use that to shape our plan.

By doing our research and meeting with key stakeholders, we learn who a client is trying to reach and what topics are important to their industry. Then, depending on the tactic chosen, we tailor a combination of local SEO, on-page and off-page optimization, and keyword utilization to create insightful messaging that resonates with the target audience.

We also stay on top of the latest changes to search algorithms and how they affect current and future website projects. This allows us to make carefully thought out recommendations on how best to maximize a site’s reach.

We combine all of this expertise to improve SEO for your site and deliver better results.

SEO Services We Offer

SEO success takes more than a basic understanding of how the process works. Our subject matter experts pair what they already know with what they learn through each client engagement. This allows us to craft SEO strategies and tactics that not only increase organic visibility but also result in quality engagement with the audiences you target.

On-Page SEO

Featuring optimized content on your website ensures you’ll be found by the right audiences looking for your specific services. On-page SEO relies heavily on the optimization of web page content. To create high-quality content that is the most relevant it can be, we take the time to research, understand, and write for your audience.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing your website’s infrastructure to make it easier for search engine spiders to properly find, crawl, and index website content.

You may have the best, most relevant content, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done all you can to optimize your site. By spending a little time polishing your technical SEO, your organic rankings can improve and you can see growth in your digital visibility.

Local SEO

Having a strong local SEO strategy can put you on the map, literally! Local SEO consists of optimizing your online presence for users searching for you and your services in relevant geographic locations.

We’ll work with you to understand your target demographic and develop a plan for reaching them in specific regions. Our experts will create localized content that not only speaks to your audience but also ensures your products and services rank favorably when users perform searches in your area. We also specialize in the management and optimization of listings.

SEO Strategy

Your business needs are unique, so your SEO strategy should be, too. Whether it’s a single- or multi-pronged approach, we devise and implement long-term SEO plans that directly correlate to your digital marketing efforts and the goals of your website.

Whether you’re trying to build organic website traffic and increase its quality, develop brand awareness, or supplement the launch of a new service or product, our experts can create the ideal strategy to resonate with your audience. And, we have the tools to monitor our efforts and make adjustments as needed. So, we can consistently be proactive when reaching the right people in the right places.

SEO Audits and Research

As part of the services we offer, we commonly perform SEO audits and conduct research to get a clearer picture and deeper understanding of a website’s current performance and the competitive landscape. This enables us to evaluate which tactics to include in our strategy.

We routinely audit competitors, content, and websites. The combination of these three audits allows us to grasp general industry terms and intent, assess your website’s SEO health, and discover opportunities for optimization within your industry to build a strategy around.


At the end of the day, all of the work that goes into SEO comes down to one thing: results. That’s where reporting comes in. In order to ensure our efforts are performing the way we’ve designed them to, regular tracking and analysis are necessary. This in-depth look also allows us to determine what needs to change and where we should pivot.

We have the ability to run multiple reports depending on what we’re trying to determine and then share them with you. This valuable tool enables us to be on the same page and set expectations as we move forward toward reaching your goals.

Blue Flame Thinking’s SEO Process

Your SEO strategy shouldn’t be a cookie-cutter approach. At Blue Flame Thinking, we believe in learning all we can about you, your industry, your audience, and your goals before building an plan that’s custom-tailored.

We also believe in the power of measuring and collecting data, sifting through information to uncover the most valuable insights and using what we find to optimize and test everything we build. SEO is a continual, gradual fire that grows by fueling it, allowing us to provide strategies that are targeted, precise, and results focused.

We also recognize that as your company evolves, your needs will grow and shift. As part of our ongoing collaboration, we’ll work with you to accommodate those changes in your SEO. So, you never have to worry about missing an opportunity.

Blue Flame Thinking's marketing process chart
Manufacturing capabilities infographic

SEO for Manufacturing

Why SEO for Manufacturers?

We work with many manufacturing clients across a variety of subindustries. Each comes with their own set of complex offerings, processes, and needs, as well as some unique niche audiences.

Our manufacturing and engineering subject matter experts have the knowledge and experience to ask the right questions. Their unique understanding allows them to get at the heart of what’s important to your SEO strategy, because they know the industry players and jargon already. From there, we’re able to craft a path toward reaching your goals, both now and in the future.

SEO for Financial Services

Why SEO for Financial Services and Advisors?

Over the decades, we’ve worked with a broad spectrum of financial clients, including financial advisors, institutional investors, plan sponsors, and more. With each engagement, we examine the latest thinking around terminology and discover any new methods or terms we should be incorporating.

Our financial marketing experts have a deep understanding of what our clients’ audiences are searching for and how they conduct those searches. They are also well versed in the nuances that come with the financial industry, such as how to navigate compliance mandates and disclosure concerns. We incorporate all of this know-how as we shape our financial SEO strategies.

Illustration of overlapping financial icons in purple and blue