3 Questions With SEO & Analytics Specialist Rachel Barnes

SEO & Analytics Specialist Rachel Barnes

Collaborating with clients on their digital marketing strategies, especially on ideas that may be outside of the box, is the thing Rachel finds most rewarding about her profession. What we find rewarding is her ability to harness the power of analytical data to reveal the kind of insights that enhance digital campaign results. It’s just one of the super “web-based” powers she brings to the team as our new SEO and web marketing analytics specialist.

Since Rachel spends her days generating insights into user preferences, behaviors and personalities, we thought it only fair to provide a few insights into her own.

What drew you to this corner of the marketing world?

I never thought I’d end up in digital marketing and certainly not in this type of position. I started in account management, where I did many things for my clients. As a result, I discovered I not only had a knack for analytics, I also had a lot of passion for optimizing my clients’ sites and measuring them.

What has been one of the most surprising or interesting insights you’ve uncovered through analytics?

Through goal tracking on one of my previous client’s websites, I noticed the lead form on their interior page sidebar had a very low conversion rate compared to others. This form had to be clicked on to be opened, unlike the others located in the footer and on the contact page, which were already open. Working with our design and development teams, we opened the form up, and within one day saw a 160% increase in leads compared to the prior month!

Whose data would you really like to pull the curtain back on?

I think it’d be really fun to dig into a direct-to-consumer brand—think any of the disruptive brands that have recently come to market in the last few years, like Dollar Shave Club, Everlane, Glossier, Warby Parker and Bark Box. They have such different business models in such competitive spaces; it’d be a treat to get a peek at how their eCommerce sites perform.

Thanks, Rachel! Here’s to finding better insights together!

What’s your marketing problem or question?

Grand Rapids, Michigan

625 Kenmoor Ave SE, Suite 301-3
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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