Analytics Reporting Dashboard

Over the years of our partnership with BISSELL Rental, Blue Flame Thinking managed reporting on the performance of their website and marketing communications. As BISSELL Rental’s digital marketing strategy grew to include more marketing channels and their goals evolved, it became apparent that traditional reporting tools weren’t keeping pace. So, the company asked us to reimagine what reporting could look like.

The Right All-in-One Solution
Blue Flame Thinking concluded that an analytics dashboard would be the ideal solution for BISSELL Rental. Dashboards allow for integration with any digital marketing channel to easily measure and track key performance indicators (KPIs). Whether the channel is paid, social, organic, email, or something custom, the dashboard provides the robustness for an organization’s current reporting needs and the flexibility to grow and scale in the future.
Dashboard Working Session to Define Reporting Needs
As a part of reimagining what reporting could look like, we invited BISSELL Rental to an analytics dashboard working session. We used this session to determine precisely what the reporting needed to achieve and how it should be structured. Together, we reevaluated BISSELL Rental’s KPIs and digital marketing goals to ensure efforts were aligned and still being measured appropriately, or if any needed adjustment.

Intuitive, Real-Time Reporting
Compared to traditional reporting methods, the dashboard we created brings remarkable convenience and presence to BISSELL Rental’s website reporting. It allows data updates in real time and gives the company and third parties 24/7 access without the need for logins. Users see easy-to-access updates on website performance and goal progress that are simple to understand without having to funnel through data. Best of all, users don’t have to wait for monthly or quarterly reports; on any given day, they have access to information they can act on.
Get a scalable reporting solution for your marketing efforts.
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